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Community Sport | Healthy Lifestyle | Events

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Providing specific professional development opportunities for key staff of RSO’s, clubs and schools.

The Sport Capability Team’s main objective is to support the development of capability in Regional Sports Organisations, Clubs, targeted communities, the Asian Community, Volunteers and Schools (Secondary and Primary) and is achieved by the provision of best practice examples, training, development and support for the people and volunteers that work in the sports sector.

Clubs & RSO’s | Education | Coaches | KiwiSport | Asian Community | Volunteers

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Addressing the Needs of Targeted Groups

Our many programmes and initiatives address the needs of targeted groups.

Maori, Pacific and Asian communities | Older adults | People with medical conditions and disabilities | Obese and overweight children and their families | Rural community groups.

Programmes and Initiatives

We work in partnership with many National, Regional and Local organisations in the Sport, Health and Community Sector. Our programs are specifically tailored to meet the needs of those who need it most in our region.

ActivAsian | Green Prescription | Active Families | Bikes in Schools | Cycling and Walking projects | Whole of Community projects | Volunteers | Fun Skills | Fundamental Movement Skills

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Harbouring Partnership and Opportunity

Harbour Sport continues to provide quality opportunities and experiences for commercial partners. There is an ongoing need to generate more income through commercial partnerships to help support the extensive community programmes delivered and supported by Harbour Sport. Harbour Sports events; the Mud Rush, Shore to Shore and Sporting Excellence Awards continue to grow and engage the community consequently providing fantastic exposure for partners involved.

Shore to Shore | Mud Monster Mud Rush | Sport Excellence awards

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