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A Place for School, Club, Recreation and Community Funding


Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa

Harbour Sport is proud to be partnering with Aktive to manage the Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa Fund on behalf of Sport NZ in the Harbour Region.​​​​​​​

What is the Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa fund?

Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa provides funding for programmes or projects delivering play, active recreation and sport experiences for tamariki and rangatahi (Young people). These may be new or already operating.

Projects or programmes engaging tamariki and rangatahi who are inactive, face major barriers (such as cost, travel, exclusion, low confidence) and would otherwise not be exposed to such activities will be prioritised for funding.

Applicants need to provide evidence, including ‘participant voice’ to demonstrate that the tamariki and rangatahi who are missing out are genuinely intersted in doing the proposed project or programme. This means applicants should engage tamariki and rangatahi on what activities they want to participate in and what the barriers are, and provide this information as part of the application.

Purpose of the Fund

The purpose of Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa is to provide quality opportunities that are accessible and create a life-long love of being active.

We welcome applications from a wide range of organisations that provide play, active recreation and sport opportunities for tamariki and rangatahi, particularly for those that are less active. These groups include:

  • Children and young people in higher deprivation communities
  • Girls and young women (5-24); and
  • Disabled children and young people (5-18)

As this is a community fund it is responsive to local demographics and environments. Some Regional Sports Trusts have identified additional groups that experience barriers to participation in physical activity and lower participation statistics please contact us for further information on these groups.

What can be funded?

This is an activation fund to help cover programme or service delivery costs. This includes costs of:

  • Programme or project delivery (e.g. venue or equipment hire, transport to the event)
  • Equipment (as part of a programme or project)
  • Officials, where these are required for the delivery
  • Delivery staff wages (e.g. activity leader, coordinator)

What cannot be funded?

  • Costs of retrospective programmes or events (those that have already been completed or held)
  • Multi-year programmes
  • Costs associated with professional athletes, professional sports teams, academies or representative teams
  • Capital costs (eg facility development, playgrounds)
  • Administration and on-going costs (eg rent, internet, power)
  • Wages or annual salaries for staff WHO ARE NOT INVOLVED in the planning or delivery of the project or programme
  • Medals, prizes, giveaways and spot prizes
  • Applications from organisations who already receive Sport NZ Partnership Investment – except in exceptional circumstances
  • Coach development costs

All applications are currently closed

How much can I apply for?

Harbour Sport Applications:

Please see below for funding round dates.

Fast Fund applications: up to a maximum of $10,000 and can be made at any time.

Local Fund applications: over $10,000 and will be assessed during the year in funding rounds:

The next funding round available is:

  • Fast Fund is closed.
  • Local Fund Round One is closed.
  • Local Fund Round Two is closed.

Please note your application must be for a programme or project for up to a maximum of 12 months (i.e. you cannot apply for costs past a 12-month delivery period).

Auckland Regional Fund via AKTIVE:

The Auckland Regional Fund is administered by Aktive.  This is a fund that can be applied for by Harbour organisations that are looking to deliver across more than one boundary (Harbour Sport, CLM Community Sport, Sport Auckland and Sport Waitakere – please see Auckland map with boundaries as reference).

  • Regional Fund Round One is closed. 
  • Regional Fund Round Two is closed. 
Before starting your application please refer to the Application Resources

Who can apply?

We welcome applications from a wide range of groups and organisations. If you want to apply but do not have legal status, we recommend you consider partnering with a qualifying (legal) entity.

Examples of who can apply:

  • Hapū, iwi, marae, Māori organisations
  • Primary, intermediate, secondary schools
  • Tertiary education and whare wānanga
  • Charitable trusts and incorporated societies
  • Regional and local councils
  • For-profit businesses/commercial organisations and social enterprises.

Examples of who cannot apply:

  • National organisation that receive Partnership Investment from Sport NZ
  • Government agencies and their regional branches
  • Early learning services
  • Professional or semi-professional sports teams and organisations
  • Individuals.

*Please note that only one application per organisation will be considered per funding year.

Assessment Process

Following is the assessment process for Manawa Active Aotearoa applications:

Fast Fund applications

Harbour Sport use a decision-making panel consisting of staff members. Decisions are made within the following month from receipt of application.

Regional and Local Fund applications

Harbour Sport and Aktive each use an independent Advisory Group consisting of community members, including Mana Whenua, to assess all funding round applications against the national criteria. Jenny Gill, former Foundation North Chief Executive, presides over each Advisory Group as Chair; and Advisory Groups make recommendations to each organisation’s Board, seeking approval.

Decisions are made following Advisory Group meetings that are to be held within the following month after the round has closed.

More Information

We highly recommend you get in touch with our Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa Manager before submitting an application so that we can help to ensure that your application is aligned, please contact Mel Sykes, email Mel or call 027 700 4018

For regional enquiries, please email Aktive

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