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The Asian community are activated, advocated and represented at community levels across play, active recreation and sport
ActivAsian was first established by Harbour Sport in 2009 with the initiative expanding to Sport Waitākere and Sport Auckland in 2018 and subsequently to CLM Community Sport in 2021. The initiative has identified four Strategic Pillars located within the Regional ActivAsian Strategy 2021-23:
Build Capability | Increase Awareness |
Increase Participation | Inclusion in Sport |
Our long-term outcomes are:
- Reduced inequality in the participation of Asian population in play, active recreation and sport
- ActivAsian is known as the delegate and representation for the Asian population
- The Asian community is strengthened and upskilled for a more cohesive and sustainable future
- The Asian community is represented and advocated in the Play, Active Recreation and Sport sector
The Regional ActivAsian initiative and its delivery partners are committed to focusing on:
Health & Wellbeing | Tamariki & Rangatahi |
Women & Girls | Sustainable & locally-led initiatives |
Sector Diversity & Inclusion Development |
ActivAsian Resources Hub
The ActivAsian Resources Hub features all ActivAsian’s publications, including Insights, Toolkits and Engagement Models. It is designed for any organisation who wishes to engage with the Asian communities through play, active recreation and sport. The resources will help organisations to gain a better understanding of the Asian population as well as increasing cultural competency within the current structure.
Harbour Sport Youth Programme - Where Future Leaders Form
The Harbour Sport Youth Programme is an initiative dedicated to empowering and upskilling future leaders in a supportive environment, whilst fostering positive identity. The programme is designed to cultivate and create confidence, sense of belonging, growth, leadership, development and more.
Outdoor Recreation
ActivRecreAsian and Walk With Us are outdoor recreation initiatives which connects the Asian community on the North Shore with the great outdoors, encouraging safe participation and social connection.
Collaboration - Lets Work Together
ActivAsian is always open to opportunities to collaborate and share resources as this has been vital to the success of our initiatives. If you would like to discuss collaboration opportunities, please contact us.
Walk With Us
Have A Go
Regional ActivAsian Initiative
ActivAsian operates an Auckland-wide approach involving key delivery partners; CLM Community Sport, Harbour Sport, Sport Auckland & Sport Waitākere. The team strives to be locally led, evidence based and insights driven. This is achieved by allowing autonomy for each delivery partner to determine what is best for their respective region.
Visit our delivery partners by using the buttons below:
Please get in touch with us below if you would like to gather further insights into the Asian community and how we might help you.
Latest Resources and News
The Latest Resources
All Asian Community Resources | All Healthy Lifestyle Resources | All Sport Resources
The Latest News
Shore to Shore 2024 – Save the Date!
7th April 2024 SAVE THE DATE What's 5km long and a bunch of fun for the whole Whānau? Leave your thoughts below... hope to see you all on April 7th 2024! Harcourts Cooper & Co
Volunteer of the Month – September 2023 – Rob Earley
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ActivAsian – Regional Strategy Development Process
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ActivAsian – Impact of Covid-19 Report – Media Release
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